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3. Matter of Barron v M.M. (12/14/2007)

Supreme Court, Queens County, December 14, 2007 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL Mental Health Legal Service (Lawrence Newman of counsel), for respondent. Doreen Williams for petitioner. {**18 Misc 3d at 69...

12. People v Edmond (11/07/2007)

[*1] Decided on November 7, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County 327/2007 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL For the People: Richard A. Brown, District Attorney, Kew Gardens (by Brian Kohm, Assistant Distric...

13. Endres Plumbing Corp. v Chapin Home for the Aging (11/09/2007)

Endres Plumbing Corp. v Chapin Home for the Aging (2007 NY Slip Op 52171(U)) [*1] Endres Plumbing Corp. v Chapin Home for the Aging 2007 NY Slip Op 52171(U) [17 Misc 3d 1127(A)] Decided on November 9...

14. Daily Bread Caf? (11/07/2007)

Daily Bread Caf...

23. Disla v Murillo (10/12/2007)

[*1] Decided on October 12, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County 21777/05 Joseph P. Dorsa, J. By notice of motion, defendant, Charles Howard, Jr., seeks an order of the Court, pursuant to CPLR ...

28. Khanal v Sheldon (09/19/2007)

[*1] Decided on September 19, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County 2958/07 Duane A. Hart, J. Defendants move to dismiss the claim against them with prejudice on the ground that the filing of a No...

33. TechSource Intl., Inc. v McCue Corp. (07/30/2007)

TechSource Intl., Inc. v McCue Corp. (2007 NY Slip Op 51592(U)) [*1] TechSource Intl., Inc. v McCue Corp. 2007 NY Slip Op 51592(U) [16 Misc 3d 1127(A)] Decided on July 30, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens ...

36. Scollo v Nunez (08/03/2007)

[*1] Decided on August 3, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Maurizio Scollo, an infant over the age of 14 years by his mother Rosaria Scollo and Rosario Scollo, Individually, Plaintiffs, against...

47. Jacques v Jiminez (04/30/2007)

Jacques v Jiminez (2007 NY Slip Op 51009(U)) [*1] Jacques v Jiminez 2007 NY Slip Op 51009(U) [15 Misc 3d 1136(A)] Decided on April 30, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Weiss, J. Published by New Yor...

62. Chambers v Jain (04/13/2007)

Chambers v Jain (2007 NY Slip Op 50776(U)) [*1] Chambers v Jain 2007 NY Slip Op 50776(U) [15 Misc 3d 1120(A)] Decided on April 13, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Agate, J. Published by New York St...

66. Allou v CAC Leasing, Inc. (04/06/2007)

Allou v CAC Leasing, Inc. (2007 NY Slip Op 50758(U)) [*1] Allou v CAC Leasing, Inc. 2007 NY Slip Op 50758(U) [15 Misc 3d 1118(A)] Decided on April 6, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Weiss, J. Publi...

67. Pai v Singh (03/30/2007)

Pai v Singh 2007 NY Slip Op 30592(U) March 30, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Docket Number: 0005836/2005 Judge: David Elliot Republished from New York State Unified Court System's E-Co...

82. Tarricone v JB Textile, Inc. (03/05/2007)

Tarricone v JB Textile, Inc. 2007 NY Slip Op 30564(U) March 5, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Docket Number: 0025630/2006 Judge: Orin R. Kitzes Republished from New York State Unified C...

86. Adzer v Rudin Mgt. Co., Inc. (03/26/2007)

Adzer v Rudin Mgt. Co., Inc. (2007 NY Slip Op 50655(U)) [*1] Adzer v Rudin Mgt. Co., Inc. 2007 NY Slip Op 50655(U) [15 Misc 3d 1115(A)] Decided on March 26, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Weiss, J...

88. Uhill v St. Francis Hosp. (03/27/2007)

Uhill v St. Francis Hosp. 2007 NY Slip Op 30478(U) March 27, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Docket Number: 0000067/2006 Judge: David Elliot Republished from New York State Unified Court System's E-...

92. Fugetta v Bambino De'Lino Rest. Inc. (03/28/2007)

Fugetta v Bambino De'Lino Rest. Inc. 2007 NY Slip Op 30451(U) March 28, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Docket Number: 0024452/2003 Judge: Lawrence Vincent Cullen Republished from New Yo...

95. Thomas v City of New York (03/29/2007)

Thomas v City of New York (2007 NY Slip Op 50632(U)) [*1] Thomas v City of New York 2007 NY Slip Op 50632(U) [15 Misc 3d 1113(A)] Decided on March 29, 2007 Supreme Court, Queens County Kerrigan, J. P...
